Click To Play Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy 
INHERITED WEALTH Carr '98 About as perfect as a daylily can get. Looks so good you could just "eat it with a spoon"! I have been hybridizing daylilies for two years, now, and have found it to be a most rewarding hobby. I am a member of the American Hemerocallis Society, and I highly recommend membership to anyone interested in daylilies. I hope you enjoy my photo pages. |

My first Best In Show with a Dutch was in Gulfport, Mississippi, in November, 1998. A Black Senior Doe named "Judy's U-GO-GIRL" won this top honor over 400 other rabbits of all breeds. I was VERY happy! You are welcome to view more photos of show-winning rabbits by browsing my website. We not only raise Dutch, but also Netherland Dwarfs and Florida Whites. 
I raise and show Netherland Dwarf rabbits in partnership with my very, very best friend, Barbara Stanga. Click the rabbit to go to our page. |
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